Saturday, October 27, 2007

My Tryst with Crystal

The crystal swan of Swarovski is something that I always loved and longed to decorate in my home. That inspired me to buy some crystal jewellery that would exude the same radiance and light as various crystal show pieces in my home. So I decided to buy some crystal jewellery and the best place to buy them was the internet.

There are plenty of sites that offer crystal jewellery. All the pictures of crystal jewellery that I saw, were beautiful and marvelous. I wish I could buy them all. There were necklaces, rings, bracelets that had different colours of crystal pieces studded in them.

I ended up buying a necklace with a crystal pendant and a bracelet of the same set. I also bought a ring with Amethyst in it and bought a wallet with crystal beads embedded in it.
